Traditional Polish Dessert Recipes

These traditional Polish dessert recipes are so easy to make, and yet the results taste so delicious. The Polish people are famous for their tasty baked goods and desserts, and these wholesome pastries are no exception. Be sure to try the Polish tartlets!

Traditional Polish Dessert Recipes

The Book of Household Management (1861)

Young Polish GirlYoung Polish Girl in Her National Dress
(Source: ©piotr-adamski/123RF)

Polish Pastry Treats

Ingredients: Puff-paste, the white of an egg, pounded sugar.


Roll some good puff-paste out thin, and cut it into 2-1/2-inch squares; brush each square over with the white of an egg, then fold down the corners, so that they all meet in the middle of each piece of paste.

Slightly press the two pieces together, brush them over with the egg, sift over sugar, and bake in a nice quick oven (425°F) for about 1/4 hour.

When they are done, press down a little hole in the middle of the paste, and fill it up with apricot jam, marmalade, or red currant jelly.

Pile them high in the center of a dish, on a napkin, and garnish with the same preserve the tartlets are filled with. Sufficient for 2 dishes of pastry. Seasonable at any time.

Note: It should be borne in mind that, for all dishes of small pastry, such as the preceding, trimmings of puff-pasty, left from larger tarts, answer as well as making the paste expressly for the tartlets.

Fannie Farmer's Traditional Polish Dessert Recipe

The Boston Cooking-School Cook Book (1916)

Simple Polish Tartlets

Mom often made these traditional Polish tartlets when she knew company was coming. The little tarts were so quick and easy to make using whatever preserves she had handy.

The delicious, fruity flavor of these tartlets always drew compliments, and I am sure that you'll enjoy eating them too. Smaczne Jedzenie! — Tasty Food!

Grandma's Tip

Mom sometimes substituted tangy orange marmalade for the preserves called for. They were always delicious!

Sometimes the tastiest treats are the simplest, and this traditional Polish dessert recipe is simple enough for a child to make. Bake a big plateful to have on hand.

Roll puff or plain paste one-eighth inch thick, and cut in two and one-half inch squares; wet the corners, fold toward the center, and press lightly; bake on a sheet; when cool, press down the centers and fill, using two-thirds quince marmalade and one-third currant jelly.

Mom's Favorite Traditional Polish Dessert Recipe

Mom's Recipe Scrapbooks (c. 1920s)

Chrusty PastryPolish Chrusty Pastry Roses
(Source: Newspaper Clipping c.1920s)

Polish Chrusty Roses

Chrusty (Pronounced KROOST-a) — Delectable Pastry Roses


5 egg yolks
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 tablespoon sour cream
Grated rind of 1/2 lemon
1-1/2 cups pastry flour, plus 3 tablespoons
Pinch of salt


Sift dry ingredients. Add vinegar to sour cream and add this liquid to slightly beaten egg yolks. Combine flour and liquid mixture to make a smooth, elastic dough. Cover Chrusty dough with a towel and chill in refrigerator for about an hour.

Shape like roses as follows: Roll dough very thin and cut out small rounds with a cookie cutter. Sandwich five rounds and using forefinger, press the middle together, while making five slashes from the center out with a sharp knife to form the "petal" shapes.

Fry in hot lard (375°F) for 2 minutes 1 side, turn and fry 1/2 minute on other side, until golden. Drain, sprinkle with icing sugar, and fill center with either fruit or jam. Yields nine Chrusty pastries.

Traditional Polish Dessert Recipes

365 Foreign Dishes (1908)

Polish Apple Dumpling

Peel and core the apples and fill the space with currants. Sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon, and grated lemon peel, and cover each apple with a rich pie paste. Lay on a well-buttered pie dish and let bake until done. Serve with wine sauce.

Polish Bread Pudding

Soak 1 pint of bread in a quart of milk; add the yolks of 4 eggs, 1 cup of sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls of melted butter, 1/2 cup of raisins, 1/2 cup of currants, the juice of 1/2 lemon.

Mix well and bake until brown; then beat the whites to a stiff froth with 3 tablespoonfuls of pulverized sugar.

Spread the pudding with jelly and cover with the beaten whites; set in the oven again to brown.

Polish Rice Pudding

Heat 1 quart of milk; add 1 cup of boiled rice, 3 ounces of seeded raisins, and 2 ounces of currants. Let cook ten minutes. Then add the grated peel of a lemon, 1/4 of a grated nutmeg, and the yolks of 6 eggs well beaten with 1 cup of sugar.

Mix thoroughly and pour into a well-buttered pudding dish; let bake until done. Then beat the whites to a stiff froth with 3 tablespoonfuls of pulverized sugar; flavor with vanilla. Spread on the pudding and let brown slightly in the hot oven (425°F). Serve with lemon juice.

Traditional Polish Dessert Recipe

With a Saucepan Over the Sea (1902)


Delicious and easy to make. Think of it as a gooseberry sundae. This authentic Juditha recipe originated with the Polish Jews.

Cook 1 pint of gooseberries, mash, and strain them. Add 2 beaten eggs, and sugar to taste. Have ready a mold of vanilla ice cream frozen, scoop out the center, fill it with this, freeze it again, and turn out on a dish. This is a very good and little known combination.

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