Traditional Caribbean Dessert Recipes

Not only are these traditional Caribbean dessert recipes easy to make, but the sweet, savory desserts are truly delicious. Eating them is the next best thing to a Caribbean holiday.

Just imagine yourself seated at a sunny table on the beach getting ready to enjoy a tropical treat. Oh, my! It's the next best thing to an Island vacation in the sun.

Enjoy Making Traditional Caribbean Dessert Recipes

Mom's Recipe Scrapbooks (c. 1920s)

Imagine Eating Caribbean Desserts on the BeachImagine Enjoying Your Caribbean Dessert On the Beach
(Source ©vitalytitov/123RF)

These Caribbean pudding recipes feature the tempting tangy taste of preserved ginger spice.

Ginger comes from the knotty underground stem (rhizome) of the ginger plant that grows throughout most of the West Indies.

Did you know that some of the world's best ginger comes from the beautiful island of Jamaica?

West Indian Pudding With Ginger Spice

Ingredients: 1 pint of cream, 1/2 lb of loaf sugar, 1/2 lb of Savoy or sponge cakes, 8 eggs, 3 oz of preserved green ginger.


Crumble down the cakes, put them into a basin, and pour over them the cream, which should be previously sweetened and brought to the boiling-point; cover the basin, well beat the eggs, and when the cream is soaked up, stir them in.

Butter a pudding mold, arrange the ginger round it, pour in the pudding carefully, and tie it down with a cloth; steam or boil it slowly for 1-1/2 hours, and serve with the syrup from the ginger, which should be warmed and poured over the pudding.

Sufficient for 5 or 6 persons. Seasonable at any time. —The Book of Household Management (1861)

Cuban Pudding With Ginger Spice

Tranquil Beach SceneTranquil Beach Perfect for a Relaxing Lunch
(Source: ©kisika1/

This vintage Cuban dessert takes a little while to prepare yet it's easy to make. It's a delicious pudding suitable for any occasion.

Crumble a pound of sponge cakes and an equal quantity, or less if preferred, of coconut, grated, in a basin. Pour over two pints of rich cream previously sweetened with a quarter of a pound of loaf sugar and brought to the boiling point.

Cover the basin and when the cream is soaked up stir in it eight well-beaten eggs.

Butter a mold, arrange four or five ounces of preserved ginger around it, pour in the pudding carefully and tie it down with a cloth.

Steam or boil slowly for an hour and a half; serve with the syrup from the ginger, which should be warmed and poured over the pudding.

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