Old Fashioned Banana Ice Cream Recipe

Grandma's favorite old fashioned banana ice cream recipe makes ice creams bursting with the all-natural flavor of ripened bananas. Enjoy one of the most delicious frozen banana desserts you've ever tasted.

I have yet to eat a store-bought banana ice cream that hits the mark for flavor. Artificial banana flavoring cannot impart the fresh taste of real bananas that these homemade ice creams have. See for yourself. But make plenty, as you'll want seconds!

Babette's Old Fashioned Banana Ice Cream Recipe

Aunt Babette's Cook Book (1889)

Bowl of Banana Ice CreamEnjoy a Bowl of Homemade Banana Ice Cream
(Source: ©dolphytv/Depositphotos.com)

Banana Custard

To three pints of cream, add one pound of pulverized sugar, and six or eight bananas grated into the cream. Freeze.

Or, you may boil the cream and add as many eggs as you choose. When cold add the grated bananas and freeze. I like this ice cream just as well without the eggs.

Old Fashioned Banana Ice Cream Recipe

Dainty Dishes for All the Year-Round (1900)

Creamy Banana Ice Cream

8 bananas, 1 quart of cream, 1/2 pound of sugar. Peel and mash the bananas. Put one pint of the cream on to boil in a farina boiler (double boiler).

When hot, add the sugar, stir until dissolved, and stand aside to cool. Beat and stir the bananas to a smooth paste, add them to the cream and sugar; then add the remaining pint of cream, and turn into the freezer and freeze.

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