Brown Bread Ice Cream Recipe

Try this old fashioned brown bread ice cream recipe from Grandma's collection. Bread might sound like an unusual flavor ingredient, but it's absolutely delicious in this homemade ice cream.

This is the perfect recipe for using slices of leftover brown bread. Enjoy serving this frozen treat to your friends and family and watch for their reaction when they learn of the surprise ingredient and how delicious it really is. They won't believe it's bread!

Old Fashioned Brown Bread Ice Cream Recipe

Cookery (1895)

Brown Bread Ice CreamEnjoy Old Fashioned Brown Bread Ice Cream
(Source: Don Bell)

Frozen Brown Bread Custard

For substituting the Curacao liqueur, try Grand Marnier, or Cointreau, or an equal amount of frozen orange juice concentrate in a pinch.

3 ounces brown bread crumbs, 2 ounces macaroons, 2 ounces sugar, 1/2 pint whipped cream, 2 yolks of eggs, 1/2 pint of milk, 1 wineglass curaçao liqueur.

Make custard of yolks of eggs, sugar and milk; mix together the breadcrumbs and crushed macaroons, and pour over them the curaçoa; allow them to stand half an hour, then mix all together, and freeze dry. Serve with macaroons.

Victorian Brown Bread Ice Cream Recipe

The Girl’s Own Annual (1891)

Brown Bread Ice Cream

Put into a bowl eight ounces of brown bread crumbs, fine and dry. Add six ounces sifted sugar, a wineglassful of curaçao liqueur (see substitution suggestions above), and a pint of double cream, whipped. Mix and freeze.

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