Homemade Pistachio Ice Cream Recipes

These homemade pistachio ice cream recipes make old time ice creams that taste better than any you can buy at the stores. Pistachio nuts add their unique flavor and crunchiness to this frozen treat and make it taste extra special.

The pastel green coloring imparted by the pistachios adds to its appeal. When I was a kid back in the 1950s, the only time I saw pistachio flavored ice cream for sale was at the Peterborough Exhibition. I was always drawn to its green color while knowing its taste would not disappoint.

Babette's Homemade Pistachio Ice Cream Recipe

Aunt Babette's Cook Book (1889)

Homemade Pistachio Ice CreamEnjoy Homemade Pistachio Ice Cream
(Source: ©iStock/Syldavia)

Pistachio Custard Ice Cream

Blanch half a pound of pistachio nuts and grate with white of an egg. Boil a quart of sweet cream; beat the yolks of eight eggs with three-quarters of a pound of pulverized sugar, and add this to the boiling cream.

Boil the nuts with the cream. Stir constantly after removing from the fire until cold.

Italian Pistachio Ice Cream Recipe

The Italian Cook Book (1919)

Scooping Homemade Pistachio Ice CreamEnjoy Genuine Pistachio Ice Cream
(Source: ©VadimVasenin/Depositphotos.com)

Gelato del pistacchio

Here's an original ricetta antiquata del gelato. You'll love the homemade taste of this traditional Italian gelato naturally flavored with pistachios!

PistachiosMake Delicious Homemade Pistachio Ice Cream
(Source: ©ld1012lsk/Depositphotos.com)

Milk, one quart; sugar, six ounces; pistachios, two ounces. Skin the pistachios in warm water and grind them very fine with a tablespoonful of the sugar, then put in a saucepan with (3 or 4) yolks and the sugar, mixing everything together.

Add the milk and put the mixture on the fire stirring with the ladle, and when it is condensed like cream, let it cool and put in the freezer.

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