Homemade Halloween Candy Recipes

Discover delightful homemade Halloween candy recipes that will transport you back to the golden age of trick-or-treating. These time-honored treats from Grandma's recipe collection will offer a nostalgic taste of Halloween's past.

From chewy caramels to popcorn balls, these easy-to-make confections will not only satisfy your sweet tooth but also create lasting memories. Learn how to make these wholesome Halloween candies that are sure to delight adults and children of all ages.

Homemade Halloween Candy Recipes: Vintage Treats Made Easy

Mom's Recipe Scrapbooks (1920s)

Homemade Popcorn BallHomemade Popcorn Ball for Halloween Treats
(Source: ©cedric-carter/123RF)

Discover nostalgic homemade Halloween candy recipes from Grandma's collection. Learn how to make popcorn balls, taffy, and caramels that will delight trick-or-treaters of all ages.

Homemade Popcorn Balls

Here's an easy homemade Halloween candy recipe that's an all-time favorite. These popcorn balls are fun to make, and they taste delicious.

1 cup sugar, 1/2 cup light corn syrup or molasses, 1 tablespoon butter, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1 teaspoon vinegar.

Melt the butter in an enameled saucepan, add the sugar and syrup, and cook without stirring until a little dropped into cold water will crack.

Remove from the heat and pour the syrup over the popcorn, which should be spread in a large pan. Pour very slowly, turning the popcorn so that the kernels will be well coated.

Shape in small balls, pressing the popcorn well into shape, and wrap each in waxed paper to preserve its freshness.

How to Make Popcorn Pumpkins

Popcorn pumpkins are very tasty and make splendid decorations for the table at a Halloween party. These fun pumpkins are made of popped corn.

To make Popcorn Pumpkins, put one quart of popped corn through the coarsest blades of the meat grinder or food processor. Place in large bowl.

Make a syrup by boiling together two cups of brown sugar, one-half cup water, a tablespoon butter, and a pinch of salt. Orange food coloring (1 drop red to 9 drops yellow) may be added. Cook mixture without stirring until a little syrup dropped in cold water will form a firm ball. This taffy will hold the popcorn together.

Pour taffy over bowl of popcorn and form into small pumpkin shapes by hand, while keeping the bowl over hot water to prevent it hardening too quickly. Insert raisin on toothpick for the stem.

Old Fashioned Halloween Pull Taffy

Pull Taffy Candy PiecesHomemade Pull Taffy Candy Wrapped in Waxed Paper
(Source: ©nophamon-yanyapong/123RF)

Your entire family will enjoy making this easy homemade Halloween candy recipe. Not only will you enjoy eating the taffy, but your kids will get to experience an old fashioned taffy pull. Gather everybody in the kitchen and have some fun!

1 cup molasses, 1 cup brown sugar, 1 tablespoon vinegar, 2 teaspoons butter, 1 teaspoon baking soda. Mix ingredients and boil until mixture hardens when dropped in cold water, then add teaspoon soda; mix quickly and pour into buttered pans. When cool enough to handle, pull taffy and cut into sticks. Wrap in waxed paper.

Put nothing on clean hands while pulling; keep hands cool. Nutmeats may be stirred into candy just before pouring into pans.

Chewy Chocolate Caramel Candy

Three tablespoons butter, one cup molasses, three-quarters cup cream, four squares unsweetened chocolate, one cup sugar, one-half teaspoon vanilla.

Melt butter in a saucepan and add cream, sugar, and molasses. Bring to the boiling-point and add chocolate, balancing it on a large wooden spoon that it may melt gradually with no danger of its burning on the kettle.

Continue the boiling, stirring occasionally, until a firm ball may be formed when mixture is tried in cold water, add vanilla, and turn into a buttered pan, having the mixture three-fourths inch in depth.

When nearly cold, cut in cubes, using scissors, or a sharp knife. Wrap in squares of paraffin paper (waxed paper), and let stand in a cold place to harden.

Caramel Making Reminders:

  1. Cook over a low flame.
  2. Stir constantly. Caramels burn very easily. Seriously!
  3. Wrap each caramel in waxed paper immediately.

Vanilla Caramel Candy

Two cups granulated sugar, 1/2 cup light corn syrup, 1 cup sweetened condensed milk, 1/2 cup heavy cream, 1 cup milk, 1/4 cup butter, 2 teaspoons vanilla.

Mix together all ingredients except vanilla, and cook over a low flame, stirring constantly, until thermometer reads 246º Fahrenheit.

Remove from fire, beat, add vanilla, and turn at once into a slightly greased pan. When cold, remove from pan and cut, using a large sharp knife.

Halloween Candy Squares

1 (12 ounce) package semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
2 tablespoons butter
2 cups dry roasted peanuts
1 (10-1/2 ounce) package white miniature marshmallows
Assorted "soft" Halloween candies, chopped if need be

Line a 13x9 baking pan with waxed paper (this makes for an easy clean up later). Melt chocolate in double boiler with milk and butter, remove from heat. Combine nuts and marshmallows, then fold into the chocolate.

Press mixture into the lined baking pan, spreading it out evenly as possible. Sprinkle the soft candy mixture generously and evenly over the top. Refrigerate until firm enough to cut into squares, then store at room temperature.

Not only is this an easy homemade Halloween candy recipe to make, it's also a versatile recipe. If you prefer, you can use another type of nut or mix in some candy pieces or a favorite dry cereal.

You can even add other fun ingredients aside from those listed here. Above all, make it colorful and festive looking.

About the Homemade Halloween Candy Recipes

Here's how to enjoy lots of old time Halloween fun in the kitchen this year: Let each family member choose one of the homemade Halloween candy recipes that they would love to make.

Or, let them choose from the dozens of other candy recipes featured on this site. Make enough homemade candy treats to fill your candy dish and have plenty left over to munch on the rest of the week.

The old fashioned candies are delicious to eat anytime and are perfect for serving at get-togethers and parties.

Halloween Has Changed

Halloween and trick or treating isn't the same as it was when I was a young boy back in the 1950s.

Nowadays it's best not to give trick-or-treaters homemade candies at the door, as most parents will simply throw them away because of safety concerns. Sadly, times have changed.

Instead, plan a Halloween party at home and invite other parents and their children to share in your homemade treats.

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