Old Fashioned Strawberry Pie Recipe

Grandma's old fashioned strawberry pie recipes cannot be compared with today's. You will love the delicious summery taste of these homemade fruit pies. They are so easy to make yet they taste so delicious!

Just imagine the fresh, fruity taste of plump, red strawberries encased in a rich, flaky pie crust. You must simply try one of these amazing dessert pies and relish in the taste of summer.

HOT Old Fashioned Strawberry Pie Recipe

Mom's Recipe Scrapbooks (1920s)

Homemade Strawberry PieIt's So Easy to Make a Delicious Strawberry Pie
(Source: ©starstock/Depositphotos.com)

HOT Strawberry Pie

Grandma's Tip

This HOT dessert pie tastes amazing when served with vanilla ice cream! It can also be baked with a top crust, if preferred.

1 unbaked pie crust, 1 quart fresh strawberries, 3 eggs, separated, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 cup flour, whipped cream.

Line a pie plate with rich pastry and fill with strawberries. Beat the egg yolks well, add sugar slowly, and beat until mixture is fluffy. Add flour and continue beating. Fold in beaten egg whites last, and pour mixture over strawberries.

Bake in a hot oven (375°F) for 8 minutes. Reduce heat to 325°F and bake slowly until pastry is done.

Serve HOT with lots of whipped cream. It makes a refreshing change from the usual cold fare.

Old Fashioned Strawberry Pie Recipe

The Perry Home Cook Book (1920)

Fresh Strawberry Pie

Obviously, an old fashioned strawberry pie recipe always turns out best when made with freshly picked strawberries.

But, if you cannot obtain fresh berries, the frozen or canned variety may be used in a pinch, and the pie will still taste very good.

Bake a rich pie crust beforehand; fill with strawberries rolled in sugar; over top spread beaten whites of 2 eggs; mixed with 2 tablespoons sugar; put in oven and brown. Whipped cream may be used instead of meringue on top. —Mollie E. Lee

How to Make Wild Strawberry Tartlets

Grannie Bell's Handwritten Recipes (1020s)

Fragaria VirginianaWild Strawberry - Fragaria Virginiana
(Source: ©Don Bell)

The wild strawberry Fragaria virginiana is found growing throughout most of North America and is one of the species that gave rise to the popular garden strawberry we enjoy today.

You'll find it thriving naturally in woodland clearings, grassy meadows, alongside pathways, and in the ditches of country roads. You might even find it growing in your lawn.

Below, a patch of wild strawberry plants can be seen growing in the lawn that surrounds our home in central Ontario, Canada.

Wild Strawberry PatchWild Strawberry Patch in Lawn
(Source: ©Don Bell)

We purposely don't treat our lawn with weed sprays or chemical fertilizers or anything that would harm or poison the tiny strawberry plants.

We also set our riding lawnmower's cutting height at 3 inches minimum, and we allow the grass to grow longer during the June berry season so the tiny berries can ripen.

Wild Strawberries In LawnWild Strawberries Growing in the Lawn
(Source: ©Don Bell)

The wild strawberries are much smaller than the common strawberry, so it takes about 15 or more to equal one of the large hybridized varieties, but the wild fruit tends to be sweeter and tastier in comparison.

Wild Strawberry PlantsWild Strawberry Plants with Ripened Berries
(Source: ©Don Bell)

The tiny strawberries ripen very quickly to a bright red color, and you'll need patience to harvest them.

You mightn't get enough wild berries for an old fashioned strawberry pie recipe, but there should be enough for making some mini tarts.

Be prepared to spend what seems like ages to collect just a handful or two. But, the taste experience is totally worth the effort!

Ripe Wild StrawberriesRipe Wild Strawberries Ready for Tart Making
(Source: ©Don Bell)

At age 103, my Aunt Jessie could still recall picking wild strawberries as a child on the farmland where we now live.

She and her siblings would gather tinfuls of the tiny red berries for Grannie Bell to make delicious homemade tartlets or jam.

Grannie's Wild Strawberry Tartlets

1-1/2 cups wild strawberries
1/4 cup sugar

Very GENTLY wash the berries, then remove their tiny caps. Pour the fruit and sugar into a bowl and allow to sit for 12 minutes, turning several times with a spoon.

Cut a half dozen pastry shells just a bit larger than your tart molds, then line the buttered molds with the dough.

Prick the bottoms of the tart shells with a fork, crimp, or trim the edges, then fill with the wild strawberry mixture.

Oven bake at 375°F for 20 minutes, or until done. Allow to cool and enjoy an old fashioned delicacy!

Old Fashioned Strawberry Pie Recipe

The White House Cook Book (1913)

Deep Dish Strawberry Cream Pie

This strawberry dessert pie was once enjoyed at President William Howard Taft's summer lawn parties at the White House.

Enjoy the old fashioned strawberry pie recipe that was used by the White House chefs.

After picking over the berries carefully, arrange them in layers in a deep pie plate lined with puff paste, sprinkling sugar thickly between each layer; fill the pie plate pretty full, pouring in a quantity of the juice; cover with a thick crust, with a slit in the top.

Bake in a hot oven (375°F) for about 8 minutes. Reduce heat to 325°F and bake slowly until done.

When the pie is baked, pour into the slit in the top of the pie the following cream mixture:

Take a small cupful of the cream from the top of the morning's milk, heat it until it comes to a boil, then stir into it the whites of two eggs beaten light, also a tablespoonful of white sugar and a teaspoonful of cornstarch wet in cold milk.

Boil all together a few moments until quite smooth; set it aside and when cool pour it into the pie through the slit in the crust. Serve it cold with powdered sugar sifted over it.

Raspberry, blackberry, and whortle berry pies may be made the same.

Origin of the Strawberry Name

Strawberries are known in most parts of the world, particularly in Europe, and North America, and few other fruits can compare with the strawberry in point of flavor.

A member of the rose family, its name is said to be derived from an age-old custom of putting straw beneath the berries when they began to ripen, which helps to keep them moist and clean for picking.

This tasty red fruit has made the old fashioned strawberry pie recipes popular with home cooks for generations.

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