Old Fashioned Cookie Icing Recipe That Hardens

You will use these old fashioned cookie icing recipes again and again. The homemade icing is quick and easy to make, and it flows on cookies to harden just right every time.

There's nothing like a homemade cookie that's iced to tempt your sweet tooth. Not only does the icing add flavor and richness to the cookie, but it adds a tantalizing appeal.

Old Fashioned Cookie Icing Recipes

Mom's Recipe Scrapbooks (c. 1920s)

Cookie IcingMake Cookies Irresistible with Homemade Icing
(Source: ©Mirage3/Depositphotos.com)

A tray of colorfully frosted cookies can turn any dessert table into a work of art. Decorate your homemade cookies and watch the delight in the eyes of your guests. Let your creativity flow!

Transparent Sugar Glaze

Here's an easy icing for cookies or cakes. Bring to boil equal amounts of granulated sugar and water. Stir occasionally until sugar is completely dissolved.

For thicker glaze, reduce by cooking and stirring occasionally until you reach consistency desired.

Remove from heat and allow syrup to cool to room temperature. Brush over cookies or cake, or drizzle while using a spoon or measuring cup.

French Water Icing

Pour the following French Water Icing over cookies when hot. When dry, serve the cookies.

Sift 1 cupful confectioners' sugar into a bowl, mix into it sufficient cold water to make it into a thin paste, beat until smooth, flavor as desired, and pour it over the hot cookies.

Sugar Cookie Icing

Almond or maple flavorings also work well with this old fashioned cookie icing recipe. Delicious!

1 cup confectioner's sugar
3 teaspoons milk
2 teaspoons corn syrup
1/4 teaspoon vanilla flavoring

Stir sugar and milk together in a bowl until icing mixture is smooth; beat in corn syrup and vanilla until icing mixture is smooth and glossy in appearance.

Add food coloring to desired shade. Ice cookie and set aside for the icing to harden to a nice glaze.

Versatile Cookie Frosting

Egg whites, 2
Butter, 1 cup
Icing sugar, 4 cups

Whip ingredients together until thick enough to spread. For chocolate frosting, add 1 cup cocoa. For colored frosting, add food coloring as needed to achieve the desired shade.

Easy Recipe for Icing Cookies That Hardens Fast

Submitted by A. Miriam

This isn't an old fashioned cookie icing recipe that hardens, as it was only recently invented by Miriam, a valued visitor to this recipe website.

Miriam accidentally discovered a great way to make a hard cookie icing using ice cream. That's right, ICE CREAM.

I'll let Miriam tell you about it...

Ice Cream Icing That Hardens for Cookies

I accidentally found an amazingly simple icing recipe for decorating cookies. It is so simple and hardens quickly so that you can actually stack the cookies for serving.

I had run out of milk one day while decorating cookies. So, I melted some vanilla ice cream and added powdered sugar — and it was perfect.

The ice cream is already full of delicious ingredients. One can just add food coloring or leave it vanilla white; then add sprinkles, if desired.

You have to add the sprinkles quickly before the icing hardens, though. —Miriam, USA

Our heartfelt thanks to Miriam. My, isn't she clever? Vanilla ice cream works great with powdered icing sugar for making Miriam's icing.

However, you can also experiment by using chocolate or strawberry or other ice creams to add a subtle flavor and tint to the icing.

Do You Call It Frosting or Icing?

Sugar Cookies with IcingSugar Cookies Decorated with Colorful Icing
(PD Source: Adapted by Don Bell)

Really, frosting and icing are both the same. Some cooks consider frosting softer and icing harder, but the term that's used often depends on your geographic location.

It's most often called icing here in Canada and in the U.K., while frosting appears to be the term commonly used in parts of the United States.

But, whatever you call the sweet, spreadable mixture, it adds an attractive appearance to cookies and cakes, and tastes even better than it looks.

Simply choose an old fashioned cookie icing recipe that hardens and release your creativity by icing your homemade cookies.

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