Grandma's Stabilized Whipped Cream Recipe for Icing Cakes

Here's a stabilized whipped cream recipe that's easy to make, and the fluffy whipped cream holds its shape when used as icing on a cake or as a rich and creamy filling between its layers. It also serves as a tasty dessert topping. So easy to make and so delicious always!

Stabilized Whipped Cream Recipe Secret

Stabilized Whipped Cream ToppingStabilized Whipped Cream Topping for Icing Cakes
(Source: © bhofack2/

Old fashioned whipped cream works great as a cake icing on any dessert cake, or as a fluffy filling between its layers. However, the problem with real whipped cream is that it tends to weep after a while and if you keep your cake at room temperature for too long, the whipped cream tends to separate and fall apart.

Container of Meringue PowderMeringue Powder

An easy way to make your whipped cream last longer is to stabilize it by adding a thickening ingredient. Whipped cream can be stabilized with cornstarch, gelatin, marshmallows, or even dry milk powder. Here, though, we're using Grandma's secret ingredient, a meringue powder, as it gives very good results:

2 cups fresh whipping cream
1/3 cup icing sugar
3 tablespoons meringue powder
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Chill your mixing bowl and metal beaters in the freezer for about 25 minutes. Once the bowl and beaters have chilled enough, remove them from the freezer, add the whipping cream to the bowl and start whipping until the cream thickens.

Making Stabilized Whipped CreamBeating Stabilized Whipped Cream
(Source: DIYplr)

Once it's thick enough, add the icing sugar, meringue powder, and vanilla flavoring. Now continue whipping the cream until it forms stiff peeks. You want to make sure your whipped cream is stiff, but don't over whip, or you could end up with butter.

Stabilized Whipped Cream Recipe Alternatives

Homemade Stabilized Whipped Cream in a BowlStabilized Whipped Cream Holds Its Shape
(Source: DIYplr)

If you don't have meringue powder and want your whipped cream to keep stiff for a day or two, try one of Grandma's alternative methods for stabilizing whipped cream:

  • Milk Powder: Simply stir in 2 teaspoons of milk powder for each cup of whipping cream, and whip as usual.
  • Marshmallows: Melt 3 or 4 large white marshmallows in a greased pan, remove from the heat before browning, allow to cool a little bit, and then blend the melted marshmallow into the whipped cream when it has formed soft peaks.
  • Gelatine: Add one teaspoon plain gelatine soaked in one tablespoon cold water to a small saucepan. Dissolve the gelatine over hot water; allow to cool to the consistency of egg white before adding to the cream and whipping.
Vintage Angel Face Cartoon from 1957It's All Right—It's Really Only Whipping Cream
(PD Source: Angel Face 1957)

Practical Tips for Whipping Cream

Here's how to make a perfect whipped cream topping for your cakes, pies, puddings, and ice cream sundaes:

  • Use a large enough bowl since cream, when whipped, almost doubles in bulk.
  • Chill the cream, bowl, and beater in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before beating.
  • Beat cream until it's fairly stiff, forming peaks.
  • Should cream start to turn buttery, quickly whip in 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls of cold milk.
  • Use medium speed when whipping cream with an electric beater.

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