Peppermint Drops Recipes

Grandma's old fashioned peppermint drops recipes make delicious homemade peppermints. Of all the homemade hard candies, peppermint drops are the most popular.

Do as Grandma did and wrap them individually in colored cellophane for gift giving or for carrying in your pocket to have whenever you crave something sweet. Nothing store-bought tastes as good as homemade peppermints.

Old Fashioned Peppermint Drops Recipe

Mom's Recipe Scrapbooks (1920s)

Wrapped Peppermint DropsHomemade Peppermint Drops Make a Wonderful Gift
(Source: ©1000wordsimages/

Peppermint Drop Candies

Mix together until sugar is dissolved 1 pound granulated sugar and 1/2 pint cold water. Add 6 drops oil of peppermint and cook for five minutes.

Take from fire and stir a little until syrup becomes cloudy, then pour at once into small, greased patty pans, or drop quickly on lightly buttered paper from a teaspoon.

This candy must be poured quickly, or granules will form. Coloring may be added before pouring to give your drops a festive appearance.

Old Fashioned Peppermint Drops Recipes

The White House Cook Book (1913)

Peppermint Drops

One cupful of sugar crushed fine, and just moistened with boiling water, then boiled five minutes; then take from the fire and add cream of tartar the size of a pea; mix well and add four or five drops of oil of peppermint.

Beat briskly until the mixture whitens, then drop quickly upon white paper.

Hint: Have the cream of tartar and oil of peppermint measured while the sugar is boiling. If it sugars before it is all dropped, add a little water and boil a minute or two.

Zesty Orange Drops

Grate the rind of one orange and squeeze the juice, taking care to reject the seeds; add to this a pinch of tartaric acid; then stir in confectioner's sugar until it is stiff enough to form into balls the size of a small marble.

Use the same process for making lemon drops, using lemons in place of orange. Color a pastel yellow. This is a delicious candy, and a change from peppermint drops.

Old Fashioned Peppermint Drops Recipe

The Boston Cooking-School Cook Book (1916)

Fannie Farmer's Peppermint Drops

1-1/2 cups sugar, 1/2 cup boiling water, 6 drops oil peppermint. Put sugar and water into a granite saucepan and stir until sugar is dissolved.

Boil ten minutes; remove from fire, add peppermint, and beat until of right consistency. Drop from tip of spoon on slightly buttered paper.

Prizewinning Old Fashioned Peppermint Drops Recipe

The Times Cook Book, No. 2 (1905)

Prize Peppermint Drops

Mix 1 cup sugar and 1/2 cup boiling water; let it boil 7 minutes without stirring. Take from fire, add 1/3 teaspoonful essence of peppermint; stir until it begins to thicken; drop with a teaspoon on buttered paper.

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