Non Alcoholic Hot Drink Recipes

These non alcoholic hot drink recipes were used by soda fountain operators to make HOT soft drinks. They were considered unusual and a definite novelty, even back in their day!

Regular fountain recipes for making egg creams, lemonades, punches, and sodas were adapted to make hot beverages. An egg was sometimes added to add frothy thickness and to help promote the drink as a liquid lunch, resulting in a fancy eggnog.

Hot fountain drinks are maybe best appreciated on a cool winter's evening or after skating or tobogganing. Try several and prepare to be pleasantly surprised.

Non Alcoholic Hot Drink Recipes

The Dispenser's Formulary Or Soda Water Guide (1915)

Refreshing Hot BeverageWarm Up While Enjoying a Non Alcoholic Hot Drink
(Source: ©rubinowadama/123RF Stock Photo)

Enjoy experimenting with these non alcoholic hot drink recipes. Hot soft drinks are perfect for serving at cool-weather parties.

Try one for a unique breakfast or a true "liquid lunch." They're actually tasty and VERY different from the standard carbonated soft drink.

Coffee Bouquet

3/4 ounce strawberry syrup, 3/4 ounce vanilla syrup, 1 egg, 1 ounce sweet cream. Shake well and fill mug with hot coffee; top off with whipped cream.

Hot Vanilla Creme

1 ounce vanilla syrup, white of 1 egg, 1 ounce sweet cream. Shake well, add whipped cream and fill cup with hot water. Cream in hot drinks is often replaced by ice cream where ice cream soda is served.

Hot Egg Cream

One egg, one ounce each of cream and vanilla syrup; shake, and add hot milk. Price, 15 cents.

Hot Egg Pineapple

To make this non alcoholic hot drink recipe, take 1 ounce pineapple syrup, 1 egg, half ounce cream, and hot water enough to fill an 8-ounce glass.

Mix the syrup, egg, and cream together in a shaker, add the hot water, and mix all by pouring back and forth several times from shaker to mug.

Or, prepare by beating the egg with a spoon, add the syrup and cream, mix all quickly with the spoon, and add hot water, stirring constantly, and strain.

Hot Egg Lemonade

Prepare like Hot Egg Pineapple (above), substituting lemon syrup for the pineapple syrup, adding a small amount of lemon or lime juice, and omitting the cream.

Hot Egg Orangeade

One egg, juice of half orange, 2 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar. Shake well, strain, and add one cup of hot water. Stir and serve with nutmeg. —George A. Zahn

Hot Egg Lime Fizz

1 ounce lime juice, white of 1 egg, 2 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar. Add hot water and top off with a small spoonful of whipped cream.

Hot Egg Orange Cream

1-1/2 ounces orange syrup, 1 egg, 1 ounce cream, hot water enough to make 8 ounces. Mix the syrup, egg, and cream together in a shaker, shaking as in making cold egg drinks. Add a little hot water before serving.

This classic non alcoholic hot drink recipe may also be prepared by breaking the egg with a spoon, adding the syrup, and cream, and mixing quickly with the spoon. Then add the hot water, meanwhile stirring constantly, and strain. —George Zahn

Frosted Hot Lemonade

Use two ounces of lemon syrup for this lemony non alcoholic hot drink recipe. Fill the mug with hot water. Mix and finish with a spoonful of marshmallow topping. Serve with cheese wafers.

Hot Silver Fizz

White of 1 egg, juice of 1 lemon, 3 spoonfuls powdered sugar. Mix with spoon and stir while adding hot water. Serve with nutmeg and cinnamon.

Hot Puff Drink

One ounce of vanilla syrup, white of 1 egg, 1 ounce of cream. Shake well; add whipped cream and fill cup with hot water.

Jones Special Hot Punch

Take the yolk of one egg, one ounce of grape juice, one-half ounce lemon juice, two spoonfuls powdered sugar and mix thoroughly. Continue to mix while filling mug with hot water.

Top off with whipped cream and sprinkle a little nutmeg on top. This preparation is said to be a "winner" and affords a good profit when sold at 15 cents. —George A. Zahn

Tant Mieux

1/2 ounce strawberry juice, 1/2 ounce pineapple juice, 1 ounce vanilla syrup. Place in cup, fill with hot water, and top off with whipped cream.

Hot Frutescens

It's unknown why this hot drink was named after a wild chili pepper (Capsicum frutescens) as it's only hot by degrees.

1/2 ounce strawberry juice, 1/2 ounce raspberry juice, 1 ounce vanilla syrup, 1 cupful hot water. Top off with whipped cream.

Lambrakis Hot Lunch

This non alcoholic hot drink recipe makes a hot soda that's surprisingly good tasting, depending one's taste preference, and it may also be served cold.

Into a mixing glass put: 1/2 ounce Coca-Cola®, 1/2 ounce chocolate syrup, 2 ounces plain cream, 3 tablespoonfuls milk. Shake well, transfer into a 12-ounce bell glass and fill with hot water.

This drink can be made with an egg, or it may be served cold. Price—10 cents; with egg, 15 cents.

Bonne Bouche

One egg, 2 ounces cherry juice, or syrup, 1 spoonful powdered sugar. Mix thoroughly, continuing the stirring while adding the hot water. Then add two cherries and a slice of orange, and top off with nutmeg.

Hot Limetta

1 ounce lime juice, 1/2 ounce strawberry juice, 1 spoonful sugar. Fill up with hot water, stirring well.

Hot Grape-Ade

1 ounce grape juice, 1 ounce lemon syrup, hot water to fill mug.

Hot Lemonade

Juice of half a lemon, 1 teaspoonful powdered sugar, twist a small portion of lemon peel over the cup so as to impart a flavor of the lemon, then fill up with hot water and stir.

Hot Royal Lemonade With Egg

White of one egg, juice of one lemon, three spoonfuls of powdered sugar. Mix with spoons and stir while adding hot water. Serve with nutmeg and cinnamon. —George A. Zahn

Hot Egg Nog

Break fresh egg into shaker. Shake well and pour into 5-ounce cup to strain. Flavor with sherry and one teaspoonful of sugar. Sprinkle a little cinnamon before pouring hot milk. Serve in a 10-ounce glass with two 5 o'clock teacakes.

George A. Zahn

An item of interest in the January 1916 issue of The Druggists Circular mentions George A. Zahn, a notable soda fountain operator and the inventor of several non alcoholic hot drink recipes featured on this page.

"The Jones fountain management has always had a record for progressiveness, and along this line it is interesting that this fountain was the pioneer in bringing the Hot Soda idea to Milwaukee.

"This was in the days when George A. Zahn, now manager of the fountain at the Tillema Candy Company's store, was in charge of the Jones Fountain. It is perhaps unnecessary to say that the Jones Fountain is open winter as well as summer."   —The Druggists Circular

About the Hot Soda Apparatus

Hot Soda Urn1894 Hot Soda Urn
(Source: B. A. Stevens Billiard & Bar Supplies)

During the second half of the 1800s, hundreds of patents were filed for soda fountain designs. Dozens of manufacturers competed to make the most innovative models, and some were objects of real artistic worth featuring the finest marble art tiles and ornate gold filigree.

Some designs, however, proved to be unpractical and short-lived. Others were unusual. One of the more unusual soda fountain designs belonged to A. D. Puffer of Boston, Massachusetts.

Fountain operators always reported a drop in carbonated beverage sales when the cold weather arrived. So, in December 1862, Puffer invented his "Hot Soda Apparatus" to provide customers with piping hot soda water throughout the cold winter months.

Puffer's silver-plated countertop apparatus sat on an iron stand and contained up to three gas-fired boilers to heat the soda water as it was dispensed. Distributors released their newly invented non alcoholic hot drink recipes to fountain operators to help promote the apparatus.

However, customers did not care for the hot sodas very much as heating the soda water killed the carbonation, so regular hot water was substituted. Coffee, herbal tea, hot chocolate, and some fruit-flavored fountain syrups were the only flavors routinely ordered.

Rowe's Hot Soda UrnAutomatic Hot Soda Apparatus

Egg Safety Tip

Some beverage recipes call for raw eggs or egg whites. To avoid any health risk, please visit my Eggs and Salmonella page for simple instructions on how to safely use raw eggs in recipes.

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