Non Alcoholic Beverage Recipes

These non alcoholic beverage recipes were invented by old time soda fountain operators. They make a mixed fancy soft drink called a Puff that goes down creamy smooth.

Puff drinks are refreshing, satisfying, truly unique, absolutely delicious, and always crowd pleasing. Treat yourself to something special.

What IS a Puff Drink?

Non Alcoholic Pineapple Puff DrinkEnjoy a Non Alcoholic Pineapple Puff Drink
(Source: ©amawasri/123RF Stock Photo)

What's an old time Puff Drink? Well, a Puff is a mixed fancy beverage containing one or more kinds of flavored soda syrup with whipped cream, ice cream, or whipped white of egg all shaken well together.

Carbonated water is either injected or poured into the frothy mixture in quick dashes (spurts) to create added effervescence, and a maraschino cherry is often added as a garnish before serving.

Puffs were traditionally served in a tall tulip glass with a long spoon and without straws. They are meant to be lingered over and savored, as they taste totally refreshing and delicious.

Non Alcoholic Beverage Recipes

The Dispenser's Formulary Or Soda Water Guide (1915)

Relive the days of the pharmacy soda fountain with these delicious non alcoholic beverage recipes. Treat yourself and your friends to the taste of something special.

Ice Cream Puff

One-half ounce of ice cream beat up with 1 ounce of a favorite soda syrup; then slowly fill the glass with carbonated water. An ounce of softened ice cream is then put in around the top of the glass by using a silver tablespoon. This piles the thick creamy soda mixture up in the center. Price, 10 cents.

Strawberry Puff

This non alcoholic drink recipe makes a large quantity of strawberry syrup, enough for making at least 2 dozen puff drinks.

To make the strawberry syrup: 2 pounds sugar, 1 pint cream, 1 pint water, and 4 ounces strawberry juice.

Mix, bring to a boil, cool, then add a few drops of vanilla extract. Pour into a punch bowl and cover partly with very stiff whipped cream. Drop a few strawberries on the cream.

Serve 2 ounces of the syrup in a soda glass, and fill to nearly full with soda water, using the fine stream. Top off with whipped cream and a strawberry. Price—10 ounce glass, 10 cents.

Whipped Cream Puff

Pour 1 ounce of the syrup of the flavor desired into a 12-ounce glass and half fill the glass with carbonated water. Pour another glass of the same size half full of charged whipped cream, and pour the contents of both glasses together until mixed.

Piff Paff Puff

Place in a glass the white of one egg, sweet cream, 2 ounces, and whip well. Then add chocolate syrup, 1-1/2 ounces. Shake well, fill with carbonated water, pour into a 12-ounce glass, and serve without straws.

Golden Egg Puff

An easy-to-make non alcoholic beverage recipe. Into a 12-ounce mixing glass, put one egg, 1 ounce orange syrup, 1 large scoopful vanilla ice cream, 2 ounces sweet milk.

Shake thoroughly, add carbonated water, fine stream first, and completing with coarse stream. Top orange soda with whipped cream. Price—12 ounces, 15 cents. —Paul Anderson

Canary Puff

Into a shaker or mixing glass put 1-1/2 ounces of orange syrup, the white of an egg, three or four teaspoonfuls of maraschino cherry syrup (the syrup from a jar of maraschino cherries can be used), one scoopful of vanilla ice cream.

Shake well, add carbonated water, fine stream, and a maraschino cherry. Serve with a spoon in a 12-ounce glass. Price—15 cents. —Otis Brown

Pineapple Puff

Into a mixing glass containing 2 ounces plain, sweet cream, add 1 egg white, beat with a spoon until well whipped, add 1-1/2 ounces pineapple syrup, transfer into shaker, and add carbonated water from both streams; then pour from shaker to 12-ounce glass and serve without straws. Charge 10 cents.

Carbonated Water

Carbonated Water (soda water) can be found for sale in the soft drink section of most food and convenience stores.

Torani Soda Syrups

Torani Soda Syrups can be easily purchased at in dozens of refreshing flavors ranging from Classic Root Beer to Watermelon.

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Egg Safety Tip

Some beverage recipes call for raw eggs or egg whites. To avoid any health risk, please visit my Eggs and Salmonella page for simple instructions on how to safely use raw eggs in recipes.

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