Homemade Cherry Ice Cream Recipe

This homemade cherry ice cream recipe won't disappoint. You'll be able to make a great-tasting frozen dessert treat for the whole family to enjoy.

Whenever cherries are called for in cakes, cookies, pies, or frozen ice cream, they add their unique flavor and rich red color. And this easy-to-make old fashioned ice cream that's bursting with the delicious flavor of ripe cherries is no exception.

Homemade Cherry Ice Cream Recipe

The Complete Confectioner, Pastry Cook, and Baker (1864)

Cherry Ice CreamEnjoy a Bowl of Homemade Cherry Ice Cream
(Source: ©molka/Depositphotos.com)

Cherry Ice Cream

Instead of the liqueurs called for, the juice from a jar of maraschino cherries can be used instead.

Also, maraschino cherries (halved or chopped fine) make a tasty addition to the ice cream mixture.

Made Using Ripe Cherries

Two pounds of cherries, one quart of cream, and twelve ounces of sugar or syrup; pound the cherries, with the stones, in a mortar, adding a few ripe gooseberries or currants if approved of; pass the pulp through a sieve, add the cream and sugar with the juice of two lemons and a little cochineal (red food coloring), mix, and freeze.

Made Using Cherry Preserves

With preserved fruit, it is made the same way as the recipe for ripe cherries, adding a little Noyau (French liqueur), or a few bitter almonds pounded for the flavor of the kernel.

Made Using Maraschino Cherry

Take a quart of cream, put it into the ice pot (ice cream freezer) with six ounces of sugar, which you place in the ice; work or whisk it well about the sides with a whisk for five minutes to chill; add a glassful of Maraschino de Zara liqueur, work this well together; then whisk the whites of two eggs to a strong froth, add two ounces of sugar to them, mix this well with the cream mixture, and freeze to the required consistence.

This produces a very beautiful, soft-and-mellow flavored, old fashioned cherry ice cream.

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