Homemade Soft Drinks

These homemade soft drinks are fun to make. You will be able to enjoy all manners of refreshing drinks and sodas thanks to these original recipes from old fashioned soda fountains.

These non alcoholic beverages are surprisingly easy to make, and they are very refreshing and good tasting. Your friends will be amazed, and you will have the satisfaction of making something normally only bought.

Enjoy Homemade Soft Drinks

Vintage Soda Fountain TapsEnjoy Old Time Soft Drinks From Soda Fountains
(Source: ©alexeys/123RF Stock Photo)

Homemade Fountain Syrups

Home Brew Sodas

Old Fashioned Soda Fountains

We owe the old time soda fountains a huge debt of thanks for their legacy of soft drink recipes. Experience the wholesome, refreshing, delicious soft drinks and sodas your great-grandparents enjoyed.

Simply follow the original soft drink recipes and don't be afraid to experiment. The old time soda fountain operators created refreshing sodas simply by adding their flavored syrups to carbonated water.

Use these authentic syrup recipes to create your own fizzy beverages. You can also learn how to make your own naturally carbonated beverages.

Why not set up an old fashioned soda fountain in your family room? A home soda fountain setup is doable and certain to impress your guests. It's the perfect addition to any home theater.

About Homemade Soft Drinks

Old Fashioned Soda Jerk Serving a Fountain BeverageSoda Jerk (Source: Library of Congress LC-USZ62-113825)

Some of the non alcoholic soft drink recipes were first published in the 1800s, but it's likely they are much older. Families often used them for generations before they began to appear in print. Now, they're yours to try!

You will find that the flavors of the original soda fountain drinks to be unique, refreshing, and superior to most store-bought beverages. They are not as sweet and contain no harmful additives and chemical preservatives — only all-natural ingredients.

You get to control the sweetness, and you get to choose the organic ingredients. That's why these non alcoholic drinks are wholesome and delicious. Make yourself an old fashioned beverage and experience the taste of history. Believe me, you will love it.

My Dad's First Soda

John Ware, Ernest Leopold Bell, and Friend in Alberta, circa 1900L-R: John Ware, Ernest Leopold Bell, and Friend, circa 1900
(Source ©Don Bell)

I can recall Dad telling me of the time when he tasted his first soda pop. It was in 1912, when he was four years old and growing up on the Alberta prairie.

He accompanied his father Ernest Leopold Bell and D. P. McDonald, a close friend of his father's and owner of the Mount Royal Ranch, to Cochrane to attend a horse auction. More ranchers joined them, and the men entered the local saloon to talk.

The old bartender asked whether the boy would have a root beer. The LARGE glass of fizzy dark-colored liquid took some time to drink, and young Billy could not understand why the men's drinks came in such TINY glasses!

Ever since I heard that family story I wondered what that root beer would have tasted like. Now, thanks to these old fashioned soft drink recipes, I know. It was delicious!

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