Homemade Coffee Ice Cream Recipe

Grandma's homemade coffee ice cream recipe offers a unique way to enjoy your favorite coffee blend. When you think about it, the flavors of freshly brewed coffee and rich dairy cream naturally go together.

On their own, coffee and ice cream have been favorites for generations. But, combine the two, and they're a perfect match. They make a homemade frozen treat that's flavorful and refreshing anytime, and it's so easy to make too.

Homemade Coffee Ice Cream Recipe

Homemade Coffe Ice CreamMake Homemade Coffee Ice Cream

Practical Housewifery (1874)

Creamy Coffee Ice Cream

3 pints of cream. 1 cup favorite black coffee — very strong and clear. 2 cups sugar. 2 tablespoonfuls arrowroot wet up with cold milk. Heat half the cream nearly to boiling; stir in the sugar, and when this is melted, the coffee, then the arrowroot.

Boil all together five minutes, stirring constantly. When cold, beat up very light, whipping in the rest of the cream by degrees. Then freeze in ice cream churn.

I cannot say certainly that this can be frozen without turning (churning), although I see no reason why it should not, since the arrowroot gives it the consistency of custard.

Dr. Chase's Homemade Coffee Ice Cream Recipe

Dr. Chase's Receipt Book (1891)

Frozen Coffee and Cream

Frozen cream that's flavored with coffee and sweetened with sugar is an all-natural frozen treat that's delicious and so simple that it's quick and easy to make.

Make half a pint of very strong clear coffee, mix in half a pint of cream, sweeten to taste, and freeze in ice cream churn.

Babette's Homemade Coffee Ice Cream Recipe

Aunt Babette's Cook Book (1889)

Frozen Coffee Custard

Put one-quarter of a pound of fresh-roasted and ground coffee in a quart of boiling cream, and three-quarters of a pound of sugar, and let this boil in a closely covered farina kettle (double boiler). Set it away to cool, keeping it closely covered all the time.

Stir the yolks of twelve eggs light, and add to the coffee cream, again letting it come to boil. Then remove from the fire and strain it through a hair sieve and stir until cold. Freeze.

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